08-16-2020 Brought up to date...
Thank God, the church finally settled with my son's in July and they are glad it's over. Pat Pontillo is still spreading lies and gossip about Anthony J Cipolla being a model priest who was and remains The Greatest Pseudoliar On The Planet, with only one exception, Patrick A Pontillo. Yes, Patrick A Pontillo, A Wannabe Journalist, " a strange visitor from another planet, who came to earth with powers and abilities, far beyond those of mortal men." You believe that, about yourself, don't you Pat?
Pat parrots other writers' work, claiming that it is "his" hard work and diligence. Pat did it to a friend of his. That's a prime example of betrayal and plagiarism if you ask me. I heard that if you'll do it to a friend, then everybody is prey... "there is no honor among thieves and some priests." Is there, Pat?
Pat, since you don't want to own up to the truth perhaps someone somewhere will write a book about how you have published slanderous accusations of "Hate" about our family in vindication and vengeance for a serial pedophile. The Priest from Pittsburgh who molested
my two sons ages eight and twelve, in 1977-1978, Father Anthony J Cipolla. Three years later, it was Tim Bendig an altar boy, age twelve the next victim of note. This lasted until 1987, whereupon Tim Bendig hired an Attorney and sued in 1988. In 1993 my sons and I gave a copy of the original arrest form from 1978 for Father Anthony J Cipolla and gave depositions. We told Bishop Wuerl what Fr Cipolla did to my sons and told him we know Cipolla is a sexual pervert.
In 1994 Tim walked away with $900,000 from Bishop Donald Wuerl. Fr. Cipolla went free.
12-13-18 ATTENTION: https://newsinteractive.post- gazette.com/catholic-priest- anthony-cipolla-pittsburgh- church-sex-abuse-victims/ 11-27-18 video Post Gazette
Please watch the video...πΊπ»and read this one.
On the 25th of November, an Article was released in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette explaining the arrest and criminal charges filed against Father Anthony J. Cipolla. The victims have a few words to say about Fr. Cipolla and his lies and excuses. He was no Martyr...like some fools had portrayed him. That was a fantasy that he encouraged so he could collect followers and their
fortunes. Mr. Pontillo was one of his accomplices...who helped to pull the wool over the victim's eyes. The above-mentioned article became available online 11-27-18.
Remember all those Pontillo stories???
It was all a lie. Fr. Cipolla was a two-faced freak who convinced his followers that he was Divinely Conscripted by Padre Pio to minister to Padre Pio's followers. It was all a big scam and there were many people involved...raking in the donations from his Periodical, "Thorns and Roses" and his "Charities." They must have studied the "Jim Jones approach to Salvation." Lie till you can't deny it anymore. The truth finally manages to bob, up from the depths after He's dead. Now, after all these years, more of Cipolla's victims made themselves known recently to the authorities.
I wish to God I had been brave enough or rich enough to hire an Attorney to represent my sons. We honestly believed the District Attorney would be representing us...but that's not what happened. The District Attorney and the Diocese Attorney went after my sons very bluntly and viciously and scared all of us. I know now, it was their plan to make us drop the charges...to make "The Bishop" happy. I knew back then like Detective Broz said: "The Fix Was In!!" August 1978. That's not what was supposed to happen...but it did. All the work and time Detective Broz and Detective Marchetti put in to investigate and arrest Fr. Cipolla and get the
case ready for Court were confiscated and the charges dropped and then the case was expunged to save Fr. Cipolla the embarrassment. It was like a gut punch to all of us.
Ten years later the priest we were forced to drop the charges on gets arrested again for molesting another boy...an Alter Boy no less. I went on a guilt trip and my sons agreed with
me that the Church would handle it just like they did back in 1978 and we all prayed for the boy Tim. That was 1988. (Then...the story disappeared from the news so we figured the Bishop covered it up again.)
Another Cover-up. No co-operation from the Police this time or the Court. Wuerl did a few of his magic tricks and gave Tim (the child victim) and his attorney $900,000.00 in 1994 and it all disappeared again. That's One Million Five Hundred and Sixty-Two Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine Dollars and Ninety-Six Cents in today's money...and made Poor Tim Bendig sign a non disclosure agreement. So he could never speak of it and get it all off his chest. He was stifled.
Because Bishop Wuerl claimed that Tim Bendig was not credible so...
Tim got himself a Lawyer and sued in Civil Court. That got my attention in Florida and I
asked my sister to mail down anything in The Local Newspaper The Pittsburgh Post Gazette,
pertaining to that case. I even found a big article in Time Magazine detailing the Crisis in 1992-1993...and how the Pope was dealing with it and a bit about Fr. Cipolla.
This time the Bishop was fighting Fr. Cipolla as well as Tim and his Attorney.
I found Tim's lawyer's name in the article my sister mailed down to me. His name is Douglas
Yauger of Pittsburgh at that time so I called 412-555-1212, the Pittsburgh Operator gave me his number and I decided to call him. When I told him who I was and how we'd like to help Tim if we could...but not for a reward, Mr. Yauger was elated because there was absolutely no record of Fr. Cipolla ever being arrested or charged with molesting two boys in 1978...due to the expungement papers I had to sign in 1978. When Mr. Yauger told me that, I told him, "I still have my copy of the original arrest report from 1978"...it took his breath away. He flew down
to Florida from Pittsburgh the very next day. He wanted a certified copy of my police report.
He flew back the next morning after he talked to my sons. Two weeks later he flew back down
to attend a deposition he had set up for my sons at an Attorney's Office in Merritt Island Florida...which was videotaped. I wanted to help stop Cipolla...we believed we were helping The Bishop stop Fr. Cipolla, my sons cooperated but we stayed low key. They were embarrassed and already burnt once by that degenerate and the law, as kids.
This was 1993, Fifteen years after Fr. Cipolla was rescued by Bishop Leonard in 1978. The new
Bishop of Pittsburgh, Bishop Wuerl walked into Pittsburgh in 1988 and found himself one heck of a mess left by his predecessor. Right off there's a possible Criminal Court Case, and a Narcissistic Priest unwilling to cooperate and get mental help. He "bashes" the church and hierarchy in his printed periodical "Thorns and Roses" and preaches blasphemy in his attempt to become rich and famous. Fr. Cipolla actually believed he could start his own church with the help of his follower's money and his close friend, Patrick A. Pontillo.
Continuing pressure from Rome was the order of the day to encourage the downplay of any sexual abuse ripple in the fabric of the church plus a plethora of failing Churches. Was Bishop Wuerl complicit?? I believe he was forced to be for the sake of the Church. Bishop Wuerl was charged with stopping the interference of the media scrutiny of Bishop Leonards former Diocese. He could have blown the whistle and put an end to Cardinal
Wright and Bishop Leonards Cover-up Conspiracy...it would have cost him his career not to mention the embarrassment for the entire church. He followed orders like any good soldier of Christ would do. He really tried to stop Fr. Cipolla back then, without blowing the lid off the pot...but it took Rome until 2003 to finally Laiscize Fr. Cipolla.
To be continued...
I'm just checking in to tell you that Mr. Pontillo has still got a Hate Campaign going on against the victims of Fr. Anthony J. Cipolla the pedophile priest of Pittsburgh, named in the Grand Jury Report of Pennsylvania, August 2018.
Even though the truth about this X-priest has been published after a two-year investigation including this 30-40-year-old crime. This crime was hushed up and covered until now. All there ever was, was speculation...because the facts were inaccessible and the only mention was when Fr. Cipolla would answer questions about the accused assaults saying they were mistakes by the complainants and he just denied his sexual involvement and looked for pity for being falsely accused.
He was never "falsely accused"...he was a child molester and Bishop Leonard knew it and kept the proof in The Secret Archives in Pittsburgh. Until the Grand Jury got the opportunity to review those "infamous" files. What they found is partly out there in the Redacted Version of the Grand Jury Report...available online in pdf form below at this address.
OK Mr. Pontillo, EXPLAIN THIS...
Mr. Neumayr claims "Wuerlgate"... so Patrick Pontillo isn't the mastermind of "Wuerlgate??"
He claims he is...but then he claims many things that have been proven false by facts, documents, sworn testimony to be "Lies and Excuses" for a perverted friend of his...Fr. Anthony J. Cipolla, now deceased...but not before he was forcibly "laicized" by the Pope Himself.
From 2003 Cipolla ignored the Vatican 's decision and for another 13 more years Mr. Cipolla
again claimed to be innocent and continued to pretend he was still "A Priest in Good Standing"
just so he could continue his sick obsession with Money Donations, Little Boys and teenagers.
All this and the Diocese refused to stop him...even though they knew. Why?? Because Fr. Cipolla was privy to secrets which could expose his fellow clergy as well. So they let that ego maniac prey on the public instead of taking action...to hide their complicity in allowing him to fool the laity for years and molest children at will.
If you find my Wuerlgate reporting helpful, please donate to my journalism fund:
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10215479485753992&id=1043883279 …
Catholic Diocese Report: Summary of Reverend Anthony J. Cipolla ...
1 day ago - These files and testimony reflected that during the time Cipolla served as a priest, three different Bishops headed the Diocese. Cipolla was ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/16/18
08-10-18 Watch the latest Cipolla Video from KDKA NEWS (last couple of minutes)
π»π»π»Click to watch the video
Latest news on Grand Jury Findings: Click the links for Channel 11 NEWS and.....
https://www.wpxi.com/news/top- stories/top-court-orders- redacted-version-of-grand- jury-report-on-child-sex- abuse-to-be-released/799986946 Chanel 11 News 7-27-18 Read what is really going on up in Pennsylvania. I've
been trying to explain the indifference and threatening manner we were met with when a priest molested my two sons and we went to the police and to the church to report it. The Detectives wrote it all up and
presented it to the District Attorney...but Bishop Leonard stepped in and got it all Expunged. They
intimidated us so much over that pervert priest that we left Pittsburgh for good in fear for our lives. It was absolutely surreal. The priest raped my two sons ages 9 and 12 and we had to flee to escape the threats
and harassment from Father Anthony Cipolla's supporters. My 9-year-old was slapped across his face by an old Grocer a couple of blocks from where we lived. He yelled at my son "( How dare you accuse a Holy Priest of such a thing!!)"
My sons were the victims...but his supporters tormented us with threatening letters and vicious
phone calls, broken windows and a slashed tire. As it would happen, three years later Fr. Cipolla got heavily involved with another 12-year-old boy, who attempted to sue him in 1988. The Bishop of Pittsburgh
was not aware of Fr. Cipolla's priors...there was no police record...Bishop Leonard had it expunged.
The new Bishop would not take the Teenager seriously because Fr. Cipolla emphatically denied it and since there was no proof of priors The new Bishop did not give the young man's story credence.
been trying to explain the indifference and threatening manner we were met with when a priest molested my two sons and we went to the police and to the church to report it. The Detectives wrote it all up and
presented it to the District Attorney...but Bishop Leonard stepped in and got it all Expunged. They
intimidated us so much over that pervert priest that we left Pittsburgh for good in fear for our lives. It was absolutely surreal. The priest raped my two sons ages 9 and 12 and we had to flee to escape the threats
and harassment from Father Anthony Cipolla's supporters. My 9-year-old was slapped across his face by an old Grocer a couple of blocks from where we lived. He yelled at my son "( How dare you accuse a Holy Priest of such a thing!!)"
My sons were the victims...but his supporters tormented us with threatening letters and vicious
phone calls, broken windows and a slashed tire. As it would happen, three years later Fr. Cipolla got heavily involved with another 12-year-old boy, who attempted to sue him in 1988. The Bishop of Pittsburgh
was not aware of Fr. Cipolla's priors...there was no police record...Bishop Leonard had it expunged.
The new Bishop would not take the Teenager seriously because Fr. Cipolla emphatically denied it and since there was no proof of priors The new Bishop did not give the young man's story credence.
http://www.pacourts.us/assets/ files/setting-6283/file-7211. pdf?cb=b95bb0
( Latest Supreme Court Decision on 7-27-18)
( Latest Supreme Court Decision on 7-27-18)
We now have no information on the Grand Jury findings which were halted by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. When the Supreme Court has to step in, you know as well as I do
there is information which will ring the death knell for many a Cleric's careers. It is going to be the biggest embarrassment that has ever shamed, the Catholic Church...and that's not all.
The people of the Grand Jury worked hard and the Pennsylvania States Attorney and his assistants worked tirelessly to find the truth in the multitude of complaints from those who knew the truth but never got the opportunity to come forward or else they were told to "let the Church handle it" so there was never a police report made...therefore No Proof.
My case was different...I had proof.
WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS MR PONTILLO, if Cipolla wasn't guilty?
Nobody made up stories about Cipolla...that were not true...except you.
Click the link below to see where Anthony Cipolla really ranks...
Photo_Page_Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Truth
Cipolla, Anthony J. 1972, Priest, Settled, Diocesan, Abused two boys in 1978 and arrested. Charges ...Cipolla appealed to Rome and Bishop ordered to reinstate. Bishop ..... He was also charged with conspiracy for allowing Fr. Richard Zula to have sexual activity with a youth at a parish where Pucci was a pastor. Banned ...
HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS MR. PONTILLO??? A different company tagged you when you lived in South Carolina...in that Trailer/ Mobile Home Park (1706 Hawk, your dad's trailer). All those traffic tickets and then THIS...Stalking and Harassment are serious charges.
What a piece of work you are. Take our names and the libel you have tortured and embarrassed us with and flush it along with the rest of your lies and bodily functions.
I tried to warn the public, that he was an unsavory character.
posted here on the advice of Legal Counsel
Source State SC
Source Name Horry County Circuit Court
Name Patrick A Pontillo
Date Of Birth July 28, 1958
Current Age 58
1706 HAWK
Myrtle Beach, SC 29575
Gender M
Ethnicity White
Offense Code 2403
Crime County Horry, Sc
Crime Type Misdemeanor
Case Number J730712PONPAT
Charges Filed Date October 4, 2010
Case Type Misdemeanor A
Court Sc Horry County Circuit Court
and there's more.............
The following infraction details were found on this record:
Offense Details
The following identifying info was found on this record:
Name on Record
Offender ID
Date of Birth
Seeing inaccurate or missing data?
More to know
Credit to: EUREKA The 21st Century Guide to Knowledge
Cut and Pasted
Cipolla affair Rev. Anthony Cipolla, ordained 1972, was banned from ministry in 1988 by Bishop Donald Wuerl following allegations of sexual abuse of a minor, and later suspended his privileges. Cipolla appealed to Rome and the bishop was ordered to reinstate him. Bishop Wuerl then appealed and the Vatican decision was reversed in 1995. Laicized involuntarily by Pope John Paul II in 2002 because he continued to act as a priest.
- Cipolla arrest Abused two boys in 1978 and arrested. Charges dropped after harassment of mother and pressure by the church.
- Cipolla lawsuit Sued by another youth asserted abuse over 4 year period and mentioned earlier victims, 1988. Litigation settled in 1993.
- Padre Pio Spiritual Refuge Inc. Primary organization that honors St. Padre Pio is operated by the Capuchin Franciscan fathers in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhood and is headed by Anthony Cipolla. They are not an official ecclesiastical organization.
- ....................................................................................................................................................................
- Q: Do you still profess his innocence Mr. Pontillo??? or are you only interested in his followers, so you can suckle like he did? Did you go to seminary school to learn to start collecting cash from the faithful? Tell them it's for a small church you are building in the Congo or a small school in South America. Or there are plenty of, Orphans...orphans, orphans everywhere. So many causes, so many hands out...so many coffers to fill. I am sure Mr. Cipolla taught you very well.
He was a mastermind of illusion. He made followers believe he was gifted like Padre Pio. He used Psychology and lies and manipulations to fool his followers and some were admittedly absorbed into
his Coven of faithful. People in pain or suffering loss or illness and the most sinful who are now repentant and willing to pay for their sins to be forgiven. (In Cash) Those were his staunchest supporters.
He gave absolution for contributions and donations to his "Cipolla for Sainthood Fund." or whatever they changed the name to.
Updated and added to 12-15-2017
Please scroll down for newest addition at "Diana Says"
A friend sent me this
Diana, post this because the link is pure fact π»π»
| x |
The Trusted Brain: |
5:03 PM (1 hour ago)
![]() | ![]() ![]() | |
Pontillo said,
"All which that one investigating person found was that I was
issued SEVEN traffic tickets for failure to wear a seat
belt while driving."
"All which that one investigating person found was that I was
issued SEVEN traffic tickets for failure to wear a seat
belt while driving."
Oh contraire Patrick A Pontillo!
before you returned to PA to live with your friend the rabid pedophile and defrocked
deceased "Fr" Anthony J Cipolla"!
Click the Link, put on your reading glasses for your sixty yr old eyes!
address to see his records.
Once you open the instantcheckmate.com page...scroll down the page and look at all the records with a yellow
background. His name, his address and his police records...and if you read his blog donaldwuerl.com you'll
understand that he has been slandering Diane Thompson and her sons since 2009 at the behest of
Anthony J Cipolla.
Anthony J Cipolla.
He's the ex-priest who sexually molested her sons and got away with it... Anthony Cipolla died Aug 30, 2016.
Mr. Pontillo refuses to end the vendetta that he started in 2011..
Mr. Pontillo refuses to end the vendetta that he started in 2011..
Diana says My replies in red below.
Patrick Pontillo loves to ridicule and criticize people, especially women.
He believes women are
not entitled to an opinion.
Pontillo says:⤋
Killer Hags. Killer Crones. Libel Kills.
Way to go, Engel ... and her New Jersey Conspiracy Theory Sidekick. Nobody messes with you. |
After he retired from the Pittsburgh police force, Mark Ninehouser be-
came an employee in the security department of the National FootballLeague. For my friends in Russia, the Ukraine, and elsewhere in Europe,
the NFL is the most prestigious league on earth for American Football.
( You see how he calls us names and ridicules us, then he cries like a baby
if we say one word to him.) We told Pontillo a year ago that I made a
mistake when I gave Mrs. Engel (the Author) the wrong names by mistake.
She wanted the names of the two Detectives but I gave her the names of the
two Police Officers who first interviewed my son. My mistake. Both sets of
partners questioned my son. The Policemen called in the Detectives because of the gravity of the charges.
I already explained this to Mr. Pontillo but he loves to rave on about it so he can jeer and make a mockery out of the truth
that was published online by Mr.s Randy Engel.
Now, if Mark Ninehouser were not employed by the NFL, I would have
never tracked him down. Just thought I'd mention it, in order to give the
aspiring investigative journalists out there a feel for what it's like to do
true investigative journalism . . . as opposed to the farcical type done by
Randy Engel, in her hairdryer salon form of gossip.
It's almost 2018, God only knows what you've done in the past four years. Are you keeping your nose clean in Pennsylvania? In Illinois? The FBI clearance was for the date of issue and prior to 2014 in Pennsylvania. The FBI doesn't give psychic predictions for what you're going to do in the future Pontillo. What did you say your IQ is, as told to you by the "Brainiac Society" that you payed to join??? I have proven that you are a pathological liar and then discovered you have been one for sixty years.
I understand the lying got worse once you had a screen to hide behind.
We aren't all naive Pontillo. You pretend to be so devout but you are the farthest thing
from that. You pretend to be educated but you flunked out of any schooling that you even attempted after high school. You squandered your life and have nothing to show for it so you're taking it out on me because I was right about Cipolla and you were wrong. That's your doing not mine. You took his bait and didn't look back. You've been "Had" Pontillo. Cipolla got you good. Just like you Pontillo, "Cipolla" had no conscience or compunction re: inflicting his bully tactics on innocent people.
I know you are Fishing for Cipolla's Big Donors Pontillo...you are so transparent.
Let us all forget Cipolla. Remove us from you're blog and we will remove you from ours.
It's only fair since you and Cipolla started this Whatever it is.
Pontillo, You are the "Fact Checked" LIAR.
Scroll down InstantCheckmate and explain why your record is there listed with your name and your self published the previous address for anyone to read !
https://www.instantcheckmate.c om/people/patrick-pontillo/
Pontillo...I never said you were imprisoned for your indiscretions, although you were MIA for
a while...as you've stated that you had been traveling the US...after you got booted from your dad's trailer in South Carolina.
Below is a link to Pontillo's blog
https://www.instantcheckmate. com/people/patrick-pontillo/
5th result Patrick Pontillo from Monaca Pa. age 59
Even though Cardinal Donald Wuerl in 2016 publicly
admitted the 1978 case against Father Anthony Cipolla for
sexual molestation was credible, (the proof and testimony of
the 1978 case against Father Anthony Cipolla) helped to
settle a different case against the same priest in 1993. Settled Out Of Court for a very large sum of money. It was the Bendig
Case and it was all over the newspapers, even Time Magazine.
Especially in Pittsburgh, across Pennsylvania, and then across the country.
This was a high profile case for the time...it helped bring about
"The Outing Of The Catholic Church"...which appears to still be hemorrhaging pedophiles and perverts.
It's not the gays wreaking havoc in the Catholic Church, it's the Pedophiles. The sexual degenerate, who lusts after innocent
children, so they can have the pleasure of introducing the child
to masturbation and eventual sexual penetration. Leaving the child confused enough to feel they might be living in the wrong body, and that they are actually a member of the opposite sex inside.
What a rotten thing to do to a child...to put them in a setting that they had no idea even existed and using the children for their own selfish desires.
It reminds me of the way victims of alien abductions describe their encounters.
That is Cold Selfishness and Self Love in a (Nut Shell).
If we continue to ignore the filth our children face daily we are no better than the defilers of our children. Someone has to speak up and I'm trying but I'm only one person.
Please excuse my absence and pulling my blog.
I thought if I backed out of my blog, and the gifted and knowledgeable writer Randy Engel an investigative journalist, investigated my family and published her findings. That would put the truth out to the public and the foul accusations would stop. Cipolla and his ghost writer Patrick A Pontillo,
have been publishing lies about us and claiming Cipolla was innocent. Anthony J Cipolla...ex Priest, who passed away recently is no longer whispering in his ear. Pontillo should cease and desist with his extremely libelous remarks.
We were made to drop the charges against Fr
Anthony Cipolla in 1978...then they expunged the case. Hiding it successfully for 38 years.
That 1978 case file was to be sealed for 10 years and if there were no more occurrences,
the file of 1978 would be permanently sealed or destroyed.
Well, 1988 is when Mr. Bendig first filed charges against Fr Cipolla for sexual molestation's which began in 1982, when he was only 12 years old. Just 3.5 years after we were forced to drop charges on Fr Cipolla.
Explain this if it never happened!!!!!
I already explained this to Mr. Pontillo but he loves to rave on about it so he can jeer and make a mockery out of the truth
that was published online by Mr.s Randy Engel.
Now, if Mark Ninehouser were not employed by the NFL, I would have
never tracked him down. Just thought I'd mention it, in order to give the
aspiring investigative journalists out there a feel for what it's like to do
true investigative journalism . . . as opposed to the farcical type done by
Randy Engel, in her hairdryer salon form of gossip.
Diana says:
Now can you understand why I am warning my readers to beware
of Mr Pontillo's blogs. Don't believe what you read on his site about Cardinal Wuerl, Anthony Cipolla, Timothy Bendig, my two sons and myself. In the past year Mr Pontillo has also begun
ridiculing and lying about Randy Engel a writer who published an article about Fr Anthony Cipolla...the priest who sexually molested my sons. The same thing with my friend who introduced me to Mrs. Engel a News Journalist and Published Author. He lies and berates her
when all she did was help us find a voice for the outrages.
Mr Pontillo was bestowing on us.
The Sex Abuse Case Against Father Anthony J. Cipolla: Part I ...
https://akacatholic.com › Blog Post By Randy Engel
Nov 28, 2016 - On the morning of Tuesday, August 30, 2016, the former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Roman Catholic priest, Father Anthony Joseph Cipolla, 73, ...
I originally started blogging in an attempt
to contact Mr. Pontillo and Mr. Cipolla and tell them I wanted
them to stop writing and publishing "Lies" about my family online.
The lies he was publishing became more cutting and brutal. I wrote him several emails but he refused to acknowledge them then he blocked me altogether. I tried to telephone him but the phone number he posted was disconnected. Then he began to embarrass my friends too.
I didn't know what to do and could not afford a lawyer or private detective. Besides, I had no idea who or where he was. He could be anybody. I set up a blog on Blogspot.com and began posting about my dilemma and inquiring about Patrick A Pontillo, in the off chance that he liked to Google himself and "bingo". Again I asked him to stop telling lies about us and that it was embarrassing us to have him post those low remarks and made up stories he posted about us. Mr. Pontillo had no right or reason to blacken our reputations. He didn't know us and we didn't know him. He could be anybody...I needed to know if we should be afraid or not? Was he a threat? Why is this guy slandering us??? When he still refused
to stop I decided to start telling people on my blog about it because by now I somehow attracted a few readers. Which is another reason I repeat myself on my blogs. Also when responding to one of Mr. Pontillo's remarks or declarations about us...I admit I counter sometimes. When
Cipolla died and the lies and insults went on unabated, that is when I believed there actually
was a blogger who called himself Patrick A Pontillo. So it wasn't Cipolla alone!!?? It was actually
both of them...since 2009, co-conspirators who punish us for trying to stop Cipolla years ago.
Fr Anthony J Cipolla wound up causing the Catholic Church irreparable damage. He cost
them millions of dollars in payoffs and cover ups. He threatened to go public with it for a
while, then thought better of it, because he'd have to tell the truth. He had already lied too long. Everyone he knew including his family, heard his story. He couldn't turn around and confess after all those years of denial. He had his little side-show going with his Padre Pio followers. People of faith who wanted to believe Cipolla was Divinely Inspired and a gifted Padre Pio Devote'. Cipolla claimed a certain prayer shawl had belonged to Padre Pio and he had it in his possession and could work miracles with it. Cipolla also claimed he used St Pio's beard clippings to work another miracle. He also asked for and collected donations under false pretenses which never reached their intended destination...except "his" bank account. He was called to task for that by the Bishop. Cipolla published a quarterly Called "Thorns and Roses" where he tried to humiliate and intimidate the Church Hierarchy. Why? Because he was a selfish arrogant miscreant. He was as phony as a football bat...or a $3 dollar bill. Fr Cipolla was a self obsessed, greedy predator and an accomplished liar. Personally, I think Fr. Cipolla was possessed. Maybe Bishop Leonard was right. He was being tormented by a demon that attached itself to him while he was Hearing Confession. Bishop Leonard told me that is a very
vulnerable time for a Priest. A knowledgeable Religious Blogger reminded me that the Priest
must be in the State of Grace to properly Hear Confession. So what if he wasn't in the State of Grace?? That would mean he was unprotected when he faced off with the Father of Lies. I
don't know what to believe.
Just Saying!!!!
I can recognize a mobile home community when I see one.
And I know a trailer when I see one.
And you Pontillo had the nerve to call "ME"
trailer trash!?!?!?
here is what you should post below his screed Diana...
Pontillo in black ink, you in red ink.
October 27, 2017
I was Never charged for stalking, ever, especially at the height of my respiratory disease. I have more calls to law firms to make.
I have very little time to respond to a Diane Thompson (Diana Mangum) post which claimed that I was arrested for Stalking in South Carolina on Sept 10, 2010. She stated as proof a number too long for it to be any court docket number. That would be your first signal that we are dealing with a fraudulent misrepresentation.
I was never charged for stalking, ever. In 2010, I was on disability status for a respiratory disease which prevented me from driving throughout any locale, following someone. I have the needed documentation to prove how limited I was, due to my allergic condition. You have to be in good health to stalk someone. I was on disability in 2010.
My 2014 FBI clearance is enough proof to show that I have no criminal record in any American state or territory.
That's a big Lie Pontillo. People aren't as stupid as you think they are. That was a CODES fingerprint check from 2014, for the state of Pennsylvania only!!!
I have very little time at present and have to finish this communication later. Keep in mind that South Carolina is the typical good ole boy state which is lowest in educational prowess, statistically high in domestic violence, and proud in waving the Confederate flag. Meanwhile, I have a hispanic last name which is not welcomed in traditionally racist South Carolina.
Well excuse me Pontillo, I didn't know you were Hispanic...you said you are Italian.
Plus, this Diane Thompson claimed that I lived in a trailer court. I lived in a gated community with the typical guard station and the need to have keycards. It was a tourist spot located on Oceanside Blvd. Across that two lane road was the Atlantic Ocean.
The place where I lived had large ponds and swans located amidst palmetto trees. At night, I heard sound of the ocean. In the domicile where I stayed, it was rented to the tune of $500 per week. Diane Thompson always presents me in a false light.
The place where I lived had large ponds and swans located amidst palmetto trees. At night, I heard sound of the ocean. In the domicile where I stayed, it was rented to the tune of $500 per week. Diane Thompson always presents me in a false light.
Those ponds are retention ponds they help to keep the land from being a swamp. That area has lots of fungus and spores just like most coastal towns in the south. Lots of Mosquitoes.
When I have the time, I will finish this communication. Now that I have personally been attacked directly and publicly, the proverbial gloves come off.
Is that another threat?I have a number of phone calls to make to lawfirms. Take note as to how seethingly vicious American females can be when they are over the age of 70 and were young during the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Unless I get involved in a severe work-related accident, or highway collision, or get caught in the middle of a Chicago gang shootout, I will be back to finish this and to finally take care of all business in this matter. Better learn to shut up if you're going to hang out in that kind of neighborhood. Keep your idiocy to yourself...especially your opinions...
Four of my eight security clearance certifications are online. One of them is the FBI Clearance. South Carolina is a reputed white trash state.
If it had no coastline, it wouldn't have an economy.
Pontillo your FBI Clearance from 2014 for the State of Pennsylvania only is practically worthless after the date of issue. The following day it became obsolete with regards to your present Security Status. It's almost 2018, God only knows what you've done in the past four years. Are you keeping your nose clean in Pennsylvania? In Illinois? The FBI clearance was for the date of issue and prior to 2014 in Pennsylvania. The FBI doesn't give psychic predictions for what you're going to do in the future Pontillo. What did you say your IQ is, as told to you by the "Brainiac Society" that you payed to join??? I have proven that you are a pathological liar and then discovered you have been one for sixty years.
I understand the lying got worse once you had a screen to hide behind.
We aren't all naive Pontillo. You pretend to be so devout but you are the farthest thing
from that. You pretend to be educated but you flunked out of any schooling that you even attempted after high school. You squandered your life and have nothing to show for it so you're taking it out on me because I was right about Cipolla and you were wrong. That's your doing not mine. You took his bait and didn't look back. You've been "Had" Pontillo. Cipolla got you good. Just like you Pontillo, "Cipolla" had no conscience or compunction re: inflicting his bully tactics on innocent people.
I know you are Fishing for Cipolla's Big Donors Pontillo...you are so transparent.
Let us all forget Cipolla. Remove us from you're blog and we will remove you from ours.
It's only fair since you and Cipolla started this Whatever it is.
Till the next time
Pontillo, You are the "Fact Checked" LIAR.
You now claim you have no Public Criminal Record for stalking?
Perhaps you should have consulted your Pedophile friend mr Cipolla ( aka Fr Cipolla) and found out just how he got his criminal record EXPUNGED?
a while...as you've stated that you had been traveling the US...after you got booted from your dad's trailer in South Carolina.
Below is a link to Pontillo's blog
Another easily provable shot of libel from Diane Thompson, aka Diana Mangum ... inter alia
Pontillo continues to publish lies about us for no other reason
than to be Hateful. The stories he makes up about me and my family compels me to write back and refute his defamation of my character and that of my family.
π» Link π»https://www.instantcheckmate.
5th result Patrick Pontillo from Monaca Pa. age 59
Even though Cardinal Donald Wuerl in 2016 publicly
admitted the 1978 case against Father Anthony Cipolla for
sexual molestation was credible, (the proof and testimony of
the 1978 case against Father Anthony Cipolla) helped to
settle a different case against the same priest in 1993. Settled Out Of Court for a very large sum of money. It was the Bendig
Case and it was all over the newspapers, even Time Magazine.
Especially in Pittsburgh, across Pennsylvania, and then across the country.
This was a high profile case for the time...it helped bring about
"The Outing Of The Catholic Church"...which appears to still be hemorrhaging pedophiles and perverts.
It's not the gays wreaking havoc in the Catholic Church, it's the Pedophiles. The sexual degenerate, who lusts after innocent
children, so they can have the pleasure of introducing the child
to masturbation and eventual sexual penetration. Leaving the child confused enough to feel they might be living in the wrong body, and that they are actually a member of the opposite sex inside.
What a rotten thing to do to a child...to put them in a setting that they had no idea even existed and using the children for their own selfish desires.
It reminds me of the way victims of alien abductions describe their encounters.
That is Cold Selfishness and Self Love in a (Nut Shell).
If we continue to ignore the filth our children face daily we are no better than the defilers of our children. Someone has to speak up and I'm trying but I'm only one person.
To my readers,
I am refraining from posting anything at present on the advice of Legal Counsel pending litigation. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Engel and the lawyers who vetted her series and evidence on the defrocked deceased pederast Anthony Cipolla and his crimes.01-28-17
Please excuse my absence and pulling my blog.
I thought if I backed out of my blog, and the gifted and knowledgeable writer Randy Engel an investigative journalist, investigated my family and published her findings. That would put the truth out to the public and the foul accusations would stop. Cipolla and his ghost writer Patrick A Pontillo,
have been publishing lies about us and claiming Cipolla was innocent. Anthony J Cipolla...ex Priest, who passed away recently is no longer whispering in his ear. Pontillo should cease and desist with his extremely libelous remarks.
We were made to drop the charges against Fr
Anthony Cipolla in 1978...then they expunged the case. Hiding it successfully for 38 years.
That 1978 case file was to be sealed for 10 years and if there were no more occurrences,
the file of 1978 would be permanently sealed or destroyed.
Well, 1988 is when Mr. Bendig first filed charges against Fr Cipolla for sexual molestation's which began in 1982, when he was only 12 years old. Just 3.5 years after we were forced to drop charges on Fr Cipolla.
Explain this if it never happened!!!!!
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