Father Anthony Cipolla Father of lies
This is an attempt to stop Patrick Pontillo from Slandering my family, online, over a proven pedophile he loved.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Father Cipolla "Guilty", Cardinal Wuerl "Guilty", Patrick A Pontillo "GUILTY"!!! ALL of them...
Father Anthony Cipolla is dead but he's still "Guilty" of the sex crimes he was charged with. From 1977-2016.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl is doing just fine, working in DC for the church yet still "Guilty" of all those cover-ups.
I heard he was given a two million dollar bonus from a Catholic Church fund. Nice bonus gift...but he earned it when he got "Cipolla" laiscized. ( as far as I'm concerned )
Patrick A Pontillo is still 100% "Guilty" of his lies and slander reguarding the Father Anthony J Cipolla Case. There are hours and hours of stories he constantly rewrites and Posts online. He does this in order to convince you to believe his "take" on the "Case". Pay no attention to the dates he has posted on them. He moves his writings around. Dates don't match events sometimes.
If you want to know where the guy Posts, he's on Blogger.com and his web address is donaldwuerl.com but he has other .coms he mentions online too.
I have asked this man Pontillo so many times to please remove my family or references to my family, myself and my friends, from his online delusional Cipolla stories.
He's telling lies on a family who has endured overwhelming odds, undreamed of, in your worst nightmares. The stories he claimes in his
donaldwuerl.com blog with regards to Father Anthony Cipolla of Pittsburgh, Pa and Cardinal Wuerl are primarily just stories he's heard or read. He completely bastardizes the information to fit his warped imagination, and then he Posts whatever he want's to Post on Blogger.com
Mr Pontillo,
I'm back, to remind you that you were writing stories and presenting them as Gospel, when you weren't even knowledgable of the crimes Fr. Anthony Cipolla was accused of. You've changed so many of your Posts, cleaned up your language some but still publish your tripe about me and my sons. Because Cipolla lied to you? Your way of getting revenge is what? Torturing (me) till I'm dead?? That makes no sense. I don't know you and you sure don't know me. Why would you even bother to write those nasty things you have written about us?? Were you that weak an individual?
Why us??? Out of the blue my sister called me and told me, "some guy is writing about you and the kids and that priest online.""He's
writing some rough remarks because he believes the priest."
Didn't you and the Priest partner up around that time Pontillo? 2009 to 2010?? The trips out west and around the country?
Mr Pontillo,
I'm back, and you have got the most evil, plotting mind. My husband and I have read the revised versions of your donaldwuerl.com blog.
We learned how you figured out this plan with Cipolla and you are blaming me because 'you' say I caused it to fail.
You must have used a spellcheck monitor. We went pretty far back and have proof you changed so much. Not just the wording and spelling but a lot of the facts. Shame on you, Pontillo. How many (goody-boy) points do you think you've earned by lying and distorting facts to cover for Cipolla?
You two lunatics wanted to sue The Catholic Church for a total lie 'you' made up and sent to Rome? Were you delusional? Do you know how many bundles of letters and parcels are received there daily?
Mr Pontillo,
I'm back again to tell you I've read your latest piece you published a week ago on Blogger and the "Lying Bull Crap" you try to peddle to who ever will read it. You are still a gutless liar and you should be ashamed of the Posts you continue to polute the internet with. Before you partnered with Cipolla you may have been salvageable but afterward you seemed 'off track' and 'distracted'. You became a "Hollow Man". You have had your opportunity to do the right thing but you refuse. I hope you enjoy what you have coming. You eventually "reap what you sow" don't ya'know.
You disguise yourself as a demi saint on your blog but you are just a 'fruitcake', trying to pester us to death with your threats and dirty inuendos. We have suffered years of abuse, Father Cipolla was only a portion of it. What's with you spreading those lies about my family... is that what can be expected from your caliber and bloodline? Or is it just................................................... "YOU"?!.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Mr. Pontillo, do you really believe you'll be forgiven for the lies you spread? What will be your excuse when you are exposed? Oh, who really cares?! Just more lies...
People will talk and your story will get heard. When they see how the 'other side' of you thinks and reacts fully knowing you are
breaking the law,is noted. I have never told a lie about you Mr. Pontillo....yet you refuse to tell the truth about my family.
So many of the things you write in your blog posts are just disgusting. You were at first, attacking Cardinal Wuerl. Was it your idea to throw my family into the mix...or was it Cipolla's? Now that was a "Looney Tunes"!! If you hadn't started your low-brow attack on me, I
would never have known or cared what you and s/he thought about us. I wasn't aware you were publishing online journals filled with lies
in donaldwuerl.com I didn't know of you, you were sprung on me from out of the blue. "Hey Di, some guy is trashing you and your kids
online." it turned out to be Pat Pontillo and Anthony J Cipolla.
First...Pontillo, I never said nor have I ever indicated that anyone in my family witnessed sores or bumps or boils anywhere on Anthony Cipolla's body. That was strictly 'YOUR' lie. Your "Wuerlgate" Blog called donaldwuerl.com turned into the most demented writings and pure lies and fabrications I've run across in years. ( When . the Blog . has . anything to do . with .0 Anthony J Cipolla or myself or my friends and family.)
0#It's #All #"LIES". None of it is true. You made it all up, listening to (The x-Priest *Anthony J Cipolla* who was Defrocked by the Pope Himself.)
...and your..."Vivid Imagination"... Lately you say things like "since the Grand Jury in 2018, I believe that the mother planted the lubricant in the boys pants." Pontillo, you need to go back to your psychiatrist and tell him it's happening to you again.
Goodbye Mr Pontillo. When I finish this book, you're going to get angry. Very Angry. Talk to my Attorney.
I'm sorry reader, wish me luck. Thank You...
Still lower than low aren't you Mr Pontillo? I've read the lies you've spred on the web and I cringe at your gross stupidity.
You have no life away from your keyboard...do you? Other wise where do you get the time daily to visit and adjust your wording and add tidbits. You are using Grammerly now, I see. So there you're a big tough guy, calling the shots and trying to make it as a...?? (what)?
My friends were absolutely correct. So you flunked out in college, so have thousands of other students. Some couldn't handle the schedule...
Some were forced to work long hours, and then go to school. Some just couldn't do both. Relationships? Finances? Other commitments? Life ain't easy...is it Mr Pontillo? It's distracting... I'm sorry that it happened to you. It's made you bitter.
The fact that you brag about earning some college credits when you were young, where did it get you? What did you go to college for? Was it athletics? Who paid for it? Mom and Dad? I doubt you had anything to do with paying for it.
...I'll be back...please excuse me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The whole ugly truth

56 views5 months ago
Now Cipolla Followers and Mr. Patrick A Pontillo...I just found this on "YouTube", under the heading of (Accused Priest: Anthony J. Cipolla ) It seems he also has victims in Ohio who are suing as well as other area Churches in the Tri-State Area. Keep posting your lies...eventually No One will believe a word you write. The States Attorney realized I was telling the truth while you and Cipolla continued to threaten and slander my family. The Pennsylvania Grand Jury knew Fr. Cipolla was a pervert and "you" were lying all along to cover up his Pederasty. I wonder what his grand total of victims might be? I wonder what the count is from Italy and Bosnia and Ireland, France. He went everywhere and did as he damn well pleased.
Do you know how many Mr. Pontillo? Why do you think the Grand Jury of Pennsylvania wasn't interested in you or your testimony Mr. Pontillo? They were looking for Facts...the Truth...not somebodies (best guess). Opinions are just that, concerning you, they are "some construction worker's Best Guess". They didn't want your "opinion" Pontillo because you had no firsthand knowledge or proof, you just offered your Best Guess. Your questionable relationship with Cipolla waters down your assertions of his innocence. Were you his enabler?? His Paramour? His Muse? His Accomplice? Come clean Pontillo. What is your real motivation? What are you hiding??
Click here...⬇⬇
https://adamhorowitzlaw.com/ clergy-abuse/fr-anthony-j- cipolla-diocese-of-pittsburgh/ Looking for more victims of Rev. Anthony J. Cipolla...
Mr. Pontillo, what are you trying to hide by telling ridiculous lies about Fr. Cipolla...??? Why did you and Fr. Cipolla start posting that pack of lies online? Did you two think we'd never see it?
Why did we have to suffer in silence? You two tried to cover for Cipolla's past by pointing fingers at everybody else. You are the one who's been had Mr. Pontillo...you believed Cipolla...so you're pretty gullible yourself.
Please note: As you read your way through the donaldwuerl.com blog you will see that the writer of the "Wuerl-of-Hurt site", as Pat Pontillo calls it...he contradicts his own writing and ultimately ties the story he attempts to convey into knots. Unfortunately for my family, he posts lies and smut about my family online.
Also...he drops names and events he has no real familiarity with...just hearsay evidence from a priest who raped and molested little boys and was finally defrocked (laicized) involuntarily by Pope John Paul ll.
The Pa courts are now enabling me to sue the diocese of Pittsburgh, I just found out this morning. Once I secure my attorney, we will address your slander Mr Pontillo. I am giving you the opportunity to remove the lies you have spread about me and my family on your donaldwuerl.com blog and the others you operate, before I am forced to take action. The first people my attorney will ask for relief from is Go Daddy and then Blogger. Like you tried to do to me, Karma (finally catching up to you) will do to you.
Stop while you still can Pontillo and maybe you can salvage some semblance of credibility for some of the stuff you probably plagiarized . When the public realizes what you and Fr Cipolla have done to my family and others, they won't take kindly to it. The fact that you two lied and defrauded so many begs to be dealt with legally.
It's only humane to warn the wolf in sheep's clothing that "the hunters are coming, the hunters are coming." This is not a threat Pontillo. Just a heads up. Diana
Wuerl covered-up the sex crimes of Father Anthony J Cipolla of Pittsburgh until Father Cipolla pushed him too far. Father Cipolla somehow endeared himself to the Heads of the Pittsburgh RC Catholic Diocese so he was forgiven for his (sex sins) against the young Catholic boys of the diocese. All the files and information on the sex crimes were gathered, paid for and stored in the Bishop's Secret Archives, which were subpoenaed by the Grand Jury of Pittsburgh, whereupon the truth about Father Anthony J Cipolla was finally located which labeled Father Cipolla a Pedophile. This proved "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that the stories concocted and published by Patrick A Pontillo are a farce and not worth the time it takes to read it. By continuing to make excuses to defend his friend by lying and blaming the victims shows a mental deficiency on Patrick's part.
The 2018 Grand Jury exposed Anthony J Cipolla after 41 years...2 years after he died. Patrick A Pontillo has read the Grand Jury Report yet he continues to spread lies and libel on his websites as well as other places.
Revised 10-11-19
The continuing open letter to Cardinal Donald Wuerl...
Dear Cardinal Wuerl,
Because of all the lies and cover-ups back in Pittsburgh in
1978 by Bishop Leonard and Cardinal Wright there was no justice for my family at all.
You were Cardinal Wrights secretary from 1969 until 1979, you were well aware of our dealings with Father Anthony J Cipolla, ( pedophile priest ) and in 1988 when the same Fr. Cipolla was again charged with sexual assault on a young boy which lasted for 5 years, until the boy was 17. You tried to dismiss it and cast doubt on Tim, another one of Father Cipolla's victims...
Tim did say that you apologized to him years later. You told him you made a mistake not to believe him about Cipolla, when you knew all along, since 1978 that Cipolla was a Pederast. How do you sleep at night Cardinal Wuerl? Tell me the name that the Catholics in Rome have for what you've done? Did you get a medal or ring for your service to the Church. A bonus maybe? I already know how you got to Washington DC.
Rev. Cipolla lied and claimed my family was lying about him the first time he got caught and we suffered because of it. Threats, insults, letters, phone calls, there was an assault on my nine-year-old son for daring to call the police on "Father Anthony J. Cipolla" "The Holy Priest."
{.... that priest was a demon with an agenda and his lies caused so much confusion and pain, PLUS he caused...
Embarrassment and shame and a payout to Tim for $900,000 plus dollars so Poor Tim Bendig would drop his lawsuit and remain silent when it should have been the other way around.
You should have let him tell the truth and put that priest in jail. You knew Cipolla was a liar as well as a child molester...why did you hide that from your "Faithful Laity"??? To hell with covering up your old mentor's stupid mistakes...as well as Bishop Leonard's. That was so wrong!!! You should have thought about your own legacy. Now look what you've reaped. You may remain in power on the fringes but the laity won't believe you or your intentions anymore.
Was all that conspiracy worth it?
Rev. AJ Cipolla should have gone to jail in 1978. Tim Bendig would have been spared his ordeal 4 years later at 12 years of age until the age of 17.
The fault for that falls on Rev. A J Cipolla, Bishop Leonard, and Cardinal Wright. "They" covered up everything negative against Father Anthony J. Cipolla and put him back out with the public to collect more money and assets for the church and hush money to payoff molested little boys.
Where did this policy originate? Was it strictly the Bishops call
or was it from Higher Up?
Did it come from The Vatican Cardinal Wuerl?? Did they sacrifice you? did they do it for political reasons?? or did you do it for the money??) They sent you to Pittsburgh in 1988 to "Put a lid on the sexual pot that was boiling over in the Pittsburgh Diocese." What did they give you for all those years of loyalty in keeping "The Secrets" of our Holy Church?
Father A J Cipolla was a "B" grade actor...but a good one...he fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a Holy Man. Some were very smart people...(he was that good.) That is why he was able to continue his perverted life for forty five years almost unfettered. Unfortunately for him, he created his own reality which was a false reality. His drug use determined his moods and plans...and ravaged his mind and body as the years went by.
I blame your predecessors Cardinal Wuerl and you for Cipolla's debauchery and freedom to prey on more children from, 1978 to 1988 and then again from 1988 until 2016. He should have been locked up in a state mental hospital or jail.
You knew what he was doing and didn't care enough to destroy it at the root.
Is it because you were the Cardinal's "Wright Hand Man" ? You knew everything. Were you ordered to Cover for him in 1988? Is that why you dragged that law suit out all those years? Did you think that Tim would just give up? He was damaged goods now thanks to Fr Anthony Cipolla...but Tim never gave up.
I don't believe you did what you thought was the best for the Church, you underestimated the cunning and depravity of those who came before you.
It has to stop now Cardinal Wuerl the truth will set you free. Retrieve at least some of your self respect.
Why didn't you return our phone calls back in 1993? We called you twice and left messages with your subordinates before we decided to call Mr. Yauger and tell him about our run-ins with Fr. Anthony J Cipolla and we had "irrefutable proof".
We just wanted Rev. A J Cipolla stopped in his tracks. "You" knew back in 1988 that Cipolla was a three time accused sexual offender and you concealed that information when Tim Bendig made his first complaint about Fr. Cipolla.
"You" lied to the police detectives investigating Tim's accusations concerning, sexual intercourse with a minor by Fr. Cipolla.
"You" and the Pittsburgh Diocese lied when you were questioned by the authorities about Cipolla because the proper authorities couldn't locate anything in their own files Cipolla's . Saying "we have had no complaints of sexual impropriety by Fr Anthony Cipolla in this diocese", when"You"knew you did!! ...from back in 1978.
"You" refused to admit you had all that documentation on the prior arrests of Fr Anthony Cipolla for sexual assault on young boys in your (secret files) until the Grand Jury subpoenaed them in 2018.
You know, we "NEVER" asked for anything...not for money or favors. Not from you or Bendig or Yauger or anyone and no one offered. We wanted to help "you" stop Cipolla...but you couldn't even extend a hand of understanding even though you knew my family was not monetarily involved with Bendig's law suit. We were there as witnesses at our own expense to try again to stop Cipolla. You and I were face to face...why didn't you reach out?
We weren't after money and we didn't want to hurt the church or you, we were trying to shine the "Spotlight" on and STOP the REAL Father Anthony J. Cipolla. How can that be a negative thing??
Truthfully Sir, I never thought it could get this bad.
* My reason for using Father Anthony J. Cipolla's full name, is because there are other Father
Cipolla's out in the world and I want the public to know which one is the one I'm referring to. (Instead of just using the name Father Cipolla)
To be continued...
New Link...click on the latest
https://adamhorowitzlaw.com/ clergy-abuse/fr-anthony-j- cipolla-diocese-of-pittsburgh/ Looking for more victims of Rev. Anthony J. Cipolla...
Mr. Pontillo, what are you trying to hide by telling ridiculous lies about Fr. Cipolla...??? Why did you and Fr. Cipolla start posting that pack of lies online? Did you two think we'd never see it?
Why did we have to suffer in silence? You two tried to cover for Cipolla's past by pointing fingers at everybody else. You are the one who's been had Mr. Pontillo...you believed Cipolla...so you're
pretty gullible yourself.
Please note: As you read your way through the donaldwuerl.com blog you will see that the writer of the "Wuerl-of-Hurt site", as Pat Pontillo calls it...he contradicts his own writing and ultimately ties the story he attempts to convey into knots. Unfortunately for my family, he posts lies and smut about my family online.
Also...he drops names and events he has no real familiarity with...just hearsay evidence from a priest who raped and molested little boys and was finally defrocked (laicized) involuntarily by Pope John Paul ll.
Below is an article by a very brilliant woman writer who has been trying for years to warn the public of the inherent danger that is manifesting and feeding on the Worlds Catholic Youth.
She is also the Author of the Best Seller on the subject...
"The Rite Of Sodomy" She also has penned many an Expose
on various current and newsworthy topics.
On the morning of Tuesday, August 30, 2016, the former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Roman Catholic priest, Father Anthony Joseph Cipolla, 73, died of a cardiac ...
Printed as a courtesy to the Esteemed Author Randy Engel.

Thu, Nov 1, 5:14 PM (20 hours ago)
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Dear Friends in Christ –
First it was “Queering the Youth Vote” in 2008.
Then, in 2012, it was “Queering the Church” http://queeringthechurch.com/ 2012/03/29/queer-self- ministry-transforming-the- churches/ has been changed to http://queerchurch.com/. As Catholic faithful, we know how successful that campaign has been!
Now, in 2018, it’s “Queer the Vote” at https://www. thetaskforceactionfund.org/ queer-the-vote.html.
Have you had enough? Or will you wait until the Homosexual Collective’s hobnail boot is pressed on the neck of your prone body or that of your child or grandchild before reacting?
Isn’t it about time that faithful Catholics with their faithful pastors and like-minded Christian associates take on the Forces of Organized Perversion?
Here’s just one reason why you should cast your vote for God, family, and nation on USA Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 –
“Queer the Vote 2018” is a project of the National Homosexual Collective, aka National LGBTQ Task Force. The political campaign is designed “to educate and mobilize” various elements within the Homosexual Collective in this “critical and volatile political year.”
First among the “rights” to be promoted are “Reproductive Rights,” followed by “Equity and Equality,” “Transgender Rights,” “Criminal Justice” and Immigration.”
Faithful Catholics have no united and organized counter-attack to the “Queer the Vote” campaign. Isn’t about time we did?
This is the first mailing of the U.S. Coalition for Life, Box 315, Export, PA 15632 on the challenging the Homosexual Collective and its sycophants wherever and whenever they exist.
I’m gathering the names of Catholics who want to be part of this new campaign of the U.S. Coalition for Life, America’s oldest prolife research agency. As yet the project has no formal name. But its primary objective is clear: To challenge and defeat theForces of Organized Perversion in the United States not only at the ballot box, but in our churches and communities in which we pray, work, and live.
If you are interested in this ongoing USCL project, let me know by e-mail at rvte61@comcast.net . There is no cost to you except your time and attention.
It’s the 11th hour! Time to vote and time to take action. See you at the voting poll on November 6th, and please join us after the election by signing up for future e-mails designed to challenge and turn back the Forces of Organized Perversion in our nation.
God bless you,
Randy Engel, National Director U.S. Coalition for Life
Next Mailing – “How to Become Voter Savvy – A Political Guide for Faithful Catholics.”
Nothing new with regards to the Pontillo, the man who torments me by telling out and out lies about me and my two sons who were victims of his friend Fr. AJ Cipolla. Both Pontillo and Fr. Cipolla were a team. Pontillo wrote what Fr. Cipolla told him to write and then he published it online for all to see under P.A. Pontillo's Pen Name. He described Fr. Cipolla as a good but wrongly accused victim of slander by a mother and her two sons. The truth is out now, The Grand Jury findings have been published online.
This site serves as the holding ground for the results of a two-year grand jury investigation ... Right-click, Save Link As (for download) any of the following files:
09-28-18 Thoughts on the Pittsburgh's Grand Jury Report...
Posted 9-21-18 reworked in part 9-28-18
Dear Readers, I want to thank you for taking an interest in this Blog. It's probably different than most blogs you see. It began years ago when I tried to reach the laicized priest, Fr. Anthony J Cipolla and his accomplice and ghostwriter, Patrick A Pontillo to ask first then demand that they stop committing perjury and reporting false statements online about my family, Pontillo didn't even know us, he slandered us on the word of a sexually confused ex-priest who molested my sons in 1977/ 1978. The priest was looking for revenge...for a court case back in 1978...and a 1988 case that lasted until 1993.
In Pittsburgh Pennsylvania it was Bishop Leonard’s policy to cover for these priests... by direct orders from Rome (I assume)... to preserve and protect the reputation and sanctity of our beloved Church. (To also prevent the victims from pressing charges and going public.) He did it with the help of DA's and Magistrates and the Diocese Attorneys. Too many times the police could not investigate or pursue their cases because The Bishop interfered and prevented any further procedure. It was shocking...I had no idea of the enormous power of the Catholic Church. (But was it power?) or was it the money? Money can buy a lot of favors from a lot of people... especially when you have a steady supply of it coming in that's at your disposal... (to be continued)
(off track for a second) If The Catholic Church really has all the people at heart why don't they pay taxes? Voluntarily to help the people of the communities they belong to. It would strengthen the bond between the Community and the Church. People work hard for their money but they tithe
because it's their duty. What is sad is the overindulgence and just plain waste of the monies in their coffers for pampering their Hierarchy when the money could be spent elsewhere for the good of the Parishes and Diocese. Do you really think Christ wanted his Apostles to live and dress for success
to impress the average man or woman? Heavens no. Christ came to us as a humble man and he sought out other humble men to go on a journey of Faith with him. He wanted his Church to prosper and grow but not to the point where it exalts itself.
( sorry for the interruption please continue)
(off track for a second) If The Catholic Church really has all the people at heart why don't they pay taxes? Voluntarily to help the people of the communities they belong to. It would strengthen the bond between the Community and the Church. People work hard for their money but they tithe
because it's their duty. What is sad is the overindulgence and just plain waste of the monies in their coffers for pampering their Hierarchy when the money could be spent elsewhere for the good of the Parishes and Diocese. Do you really think Christ wanted his Apostles to live and dress for success
to impress the average man or woman? Heavens no. Christ came to us as a humble man and he sought out other humble men to go on a journey of Faith with him. He wanted his Church to prosper and grow but not to the point where it exalts itself.
( sorry for the interruption please continue)
For the Church to call all the shots in the Fr Cipolla child molestation case scared me... I was 32 with 4 children and a Disabled Army Veteran husband who came home occasionally. Sometimes for weeks at a time. Sometimes he was gone for months at a time. The head and neck injuries he suffered made him unpredictable. The Tinnitus he suffered from drove him to distraction. The Veterans Administration the Disabled American Veterans and The Veterans Hospital did all they could do to help him. But when Fr Cipolla molested my sons I had to handle it myself with the help of the Pittsburgh Police and Detectives only to see "them" removed from the case and the case dropped. I knew nothing about conspiracy...but I was unknowingly experiencing one through the Pittsburgh Diocese Attorney and the District Attorney.
I want to personally thank the supporters of Fr. Anthony J. Cipolla for affording him the money and opportunity to go on Molesting Children and basking in the ill-gotten fame that you gullible believers gave him. You helped him hurt me and my family and Tim's and all the little Catholic boys we don't know about yet. I just heard there's another boy in Indiana who has not spoken to the authorities yet but is procuring an Attorney.
Cipolla was a masterful liar and a showman. You wanted a Saint and he gave you one... He convinced you he was divinely inspired and in tune with Padre Pio through "Padre Pio's Prayer Shawl". (But it wasn't genuine.) He shook hands once with Padre Pio when Cipolla was a little boy. Cipolla was 8 or 10. The Padre died 50 years ago in 1968, Cipolla was 25. He never stepped foot back in Italy until after Padre Pio had passed away. Cipolla was ordained at 29 in 1972. The Padre had no special relationship with Fr. Cipolla. That was his "schtick"...and he made a lot of money with it, not to forget all that adulation that was showered upon him by his followers.
It was all smoke and mirrors courtesy of Cipolla and some accomplices like Patrick A. Pontillo a 5'7" construction worker who does typing work on the side. He wants to be famous for something so he
pokes fun at notables like Cardinal Wuerl and The Writer Randy Engel and ridicules their work online when in reality he'd give anything just to "be them."
Cipolla took advantage of the faithful and didn't give it another thought. He was all about the money.
He was not empathetic but he could act like he was. He was a performer, for sure.
During the time that you were treating Fr. Cipolla like the Second Coming, showering him with love and prayers and gifts I had to raise these boys who were traumatized and ashamed and suffered from insomnia and low self-esteem. That is not to mention the school councilors psychologists and psychiatrists for my damaged children. We never tried to sue the Church. We appeared twice against Fr Cipolla to stop his perverted rampage. 1978 and 1992. We all did depositions for the 3rd victims' case to prove Cipolla had been arrested prior to Tim's 1988 first complaint to the police. We recently testified before Pittsburgh's Grand Jury who's reports were released to the public August 14, 2018.
No one from the Church ever checked to see how my sons were faring except Bishop Leonard after Fr Cipolla was first arrested. He only asked once although he called 3 times. No one else, not one time offered suggestions or assistance to my sons. Nor have any of us received a single cent for our help or for damages...and we never asked for any either. I found a wonderful Attorney for them, this time. He won't let anyone push them around or browbeat them like 1978. If I were a man looking for justice for my 2 sons it would have been handled differently...I just know it...but they had a disabled father and I was all they had to defend them.
The Grand Jury was able to recover Fr. Cipolla's 1978 court case file and the cover-up from the Pittsburgh Diocese Secret Archives. The records were hidden for 40 years. The records proved
that Fr. Cipolla was arrested and charged at #9 police station by the Police Officer and Detective who responded to my 911 call and testified to it, to the Grand Jury Of Pennsylvania in 2017. This information was just released to the public on August 14th, 2018 (in redacted form) but it explains some of the charges against Fr. Cipolla that he was accused of. The expungement papers for the criminal sexual molestation case against Fr. Cipolla were also presented to the Grand Jury, proof of
the cover-up by Bishop V. Leonard.
the cover-up by Bishop V. Leonard.
The reasons Fr Cipolla was Laicized (defrocked) by Pope John Paul II was always a mystery to many. Cipolla denied his "hand" in the molestation cases...and there were no police records to go by...it was all covered up like it never happened...and the Diocese paid for it in one way or another. They were
trying to prevent embarrassment for the Church. Catholics are the Church...not Rome not the Pope,
not the many Cardinals. It is "us" the keepers of the faith The Sheep who trust Our Master to have
our best interests and our Salvation at heart.
trying to prevent embarrassment for the Church. Catholics are the Church...not Rome not the Pope,
not the many Cardinals. It is "us" the keepers of the faith The Sheep who trust Our Master to have
our best interests and our Salvation at heart.
Thanks to The States Attorney it's no longer a secret. What did Fr Cipolla know or experience to be
so protected and covered-up by the Catholic Church? All that money the Parishioners donated and tithed that the Church had to pay to clean up the crimes of Father Anthony J. Cipolla, ...Why? What information did he have? who was he blackmailing? what did he bargain with?? in 1978 and 1992? or was it all just The Bishop? or...???
FINALLY...Father Anthony J. Cipolla is outed by the News Media...
08-10-18KDKA News...Anthony Cipolla outed by news media. ( click below)
Who is so powerful, that they can stop the Pennsylvania States Attorney and the Grand Jury from publishing its findings on the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese ????
Who has so much clout that they appealed the release of "proof" of a Clergy Cover-up, to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and won???
If there are crimes that have been uncovered that need to be prosecuted by Law, who has the right or power to halt the process and put up roadblocks, preventing any type of action to be taken.
Give the victims of these Clerics a chance to vent and rid themselves of the guilt and shame. Rape and sexual assault
aren't easy to come to terms with. Sometimes it takes many years to even admit such a violation.
The Diocese lied to the victims, to stop any scrutiny of their own Prelates and lessor Clergy.
04-15-18 Please click on this link below
Breaking News...
By clicking on this site you entered an argument I seem to be having with a stranger "online" which began in 2009...Mr. Patrick Pontillo has been posting lies about me and my family, the deceased ex-priest Anthony J Cipolla of Pittsburgh Pa. his young victims...and two accomplished news journalists, plus
people from Coastal South Carolina where Mr. Pontillo once lived and he got into trouble with the law. (Harassment and Stalking.)
This objectionable material is malicious and embarrassing and
serves no purpose but to ridicule us to the public (but) not one
of his claims are true. Piece by piece this blogger named Pontillo has been punishing us by spreading lies and rumors and making us subjects of his ridicule. All of us. He is lucky, his keywords get him thousands of "Hits" on his blogs...so he is
getting His words out to the masses. You'll notice he likes to post charts and beautiful photography. He incessantly brags about his physique or he's telling you about his scholastic accomplishments with his incredible brain. He claims to be a
genius...Mensa certified. If this is a true statement, it's a shame
that Mr. Pontillo picked a pedophile to champion and defend... rather than reaching out to the victims of this very same pedophile. He instead took to Blogging and (Trashes) Father Anthony J. Cipolla's victims of child sexual abuse.
This man is a bully and when asked to stop these tactics he was
using on us to torment us he ignored my pleas that he stop.
02-07-18 addition
So far this closet human can prove nothing he has said about us because it's not fact. In 1978 I had a priest arrested and charged with sexually molesting my two sons. The whole crime was hushed up and expunged as per the Bishop Leonard's and Cardinal Wright's instructions...and we were terrorized enough to move away from Pittsburgh. Father Anthony Cipolla who, after his arrest was expunged, went on to molest another 12 yr old boy 4 years later. This boy tried to sue when he turned 18 but no one believed him because the priest had (*no prior complaints) against him. His past molestation's were denied because they had no proof, just the boy's word because the priors were expunged! and there were no records to be found on Father Anthony J Cipolla.
I was living in Florida at the time and caught wind of the boy who was trying to bring Father Cipolla to justice...and the new Bishop who was trying to stop Cipolla too.
I was sitting in my doctor's office when I picked up Time Magazine and there was the story in print. It said that Father Cipolla was causing a fuss up in Pittsburgh again and claimed to be innocent and noted he had no *priors.
What he did not know is that I still had my copy of the original
charges against Father Cipolla. The charges he claimed were
nonexistent. Even the new Bishop wasn't yet aware of Father Cipolla's past. I called my sister, she lived in Pittsburgh and she sent me her copy of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. There I found out more information about what Father Cipolla was up to. Cipolla was calling the other boy a liar and he denied everything. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I phoned the boy's attorney when I saw his name in the paper. I told Mr.
Yauger, I wanted to help...but we didn't want anything in return. Mr. Yauger flew to Florida the very next day and interviewed my sons and me. I set up a meeting by telephone
with Attorney Sheldon Stevens a lawyer from Merritt Island Fl. and Attorney Doug Yauger of Pittsburgh. They set up a time to Depose my sons and videotape their testimony, a week later at Mr. Stevens Offices here in Florida.
The whole case began moving in a different direction. Father Cipolla was in shock when he found out "We" were back...after 15 years and we had proof of Father Cipolla's prior arrest. Boy did that stir things up. They all settled out of court a month or so later for a huge sum of money and Father Cipolla's record was expunged again. But...Father Cipolla wasn't done yet. It took them ten more years to defrock him. God only knows how many more boys he molested. He still dressed as a priest and conducted services, collected money for different charities and pocketed most of it. He secretly lived a gay lifestyle with his male lover Eric in Ohio. He convinced some people that he was Padre Pio reincarnated or channeled through him. He preyed on the frightened, grieving, sorry and penitent. He was the lowest of the low, pretending to be the Highest Of The High.
12-15-2017 Additional information:
Pontillo printed this to impress his readers, "only it isn't true, not by a long shot" He may have tried to
have my blogs erased? (I don't know) but it never happened. Why would anyone who traffics in fake journalism do a thing like try to muzzle another human being from voicing her displeasure with stories that are untrue about her and her family? Who in their right mind believes Pontillo's stories anyways? If you are a regular reader of his renderings you have already noticed his skill when weaving his stories. ("his version of the Truth"). ("His way") , ("the way he sees it") Pontillo believes the information he publishes doesn't have to be True, as long as it's Wordy and Attracts Readers to his site...
Pontillo says:🔻proven lies cut and pasted from Pontillo's blog.
All in all, the account of the arrest, indictment, retaliations, duress, charge-dropping was so fictiti- ous that it was easier to pick apart than the lint on a piece of cheap sweatshop fabric. In addition, I found that officer who was said to have arrested Cipolla as a ranking detective, only to find out that her wasn't even a detective and that her nothing more than take a statement from Diane Thompson, transposed it paper, via handprinting, and then gave it to the real detectives who, incidentally, found no cause to file any type of affidavit which results in a judging signing it and placing the accused in the criminal court system. ___________________________________________________________ NOTE: I have to leave, right now
He'll be back as soon as he can think up more lies to publish about us. Nothing he has said
so far has a drop of truth in it. You would think he'd be mortified to be caught in so many lies. But he is not. Mr. Pontillo is a narcissist, he can justify it in his mind and just flatly deny his lies and will claim that "You" "are the one who is mistaken or wrong" or claim that "You are lying". If you disagree with anything he says he'll claim, "you are a part of a conspiracy to ??decapitate?? or annihilate him"?? He'll say anything for attention. Mr. Pontillo constantly rewrites the lies and dates he publishes, so you can't quote him. That is unless you make a hard copy of his false claims and his disparaging remarks as I do.
Pontillo also says:🔻proven lies cut and pasted from Pontillo's blog.
I got nine of Diane Thompson's cyber-bully weblogs taken offline ...
Nov 28, 2017 ... To start, one Diane/Diana Thompson-Mangum-Labiaux-Whatever is the person
who accused one Anthony Cipolla of molesting both of her sons at the ages of 9
and 12. She then gave an elaborate narration through one Mrs. Randy Engel,
detailing an arrest and then a post-arrest retaliation involving former ...
who accused one Anthony Cipolla of molesting both of her sons at the ages of 9
and 12. She then gave an elaborate narration through one Mrs. Randy Engel,
detailing an arrest and then a post-arrest retaliation involving former ...
?? And what day was that supposed to be...that you had my blogs taken offline?? Are you sniffing glue?
Where did you get this idea?? "Blogger," says "Oh no you didn't." Why tell a lie about a thing like that? That was sophomoric. It's a matter of record.
Revised 12-13-2017
More disturbing remarks from PP that need to be addressed individually.
Cut and pasted are Pontillo's own words in "The Cipolla Case" post.
My answers in blue...
Cut and pasted are Pontillo's own words in "The Cipolla Case" post.
My answers in blue...
Concerning Diane Thompson's claim of me being charged with stalking, answer
these questions: 1} How did I get a 2014 FBI Clearance which states that no crim-
inal record in my name exists anywhere in Ameica,
these questions: 1} How did I get a 2014 FBI Clearance which states that no crim-
inal record in my name exists anywhere in Ameica,
Pontillo, everyone who has seen your 2014 FBI Clearance knows that it was only for running your fingerprints in Pennsylvania in 2014. Your crimes were done in South Carolina where you lived in your daddy's trailer at that mobile home community in Surf Side Beach, on "Hawk" in South Carolina. I was also told that you lived in a homeless camp in Pa. after you left the trailer park in S.C. I heard you are running from a homeless guy that you borrowed money from and then skipped town. That's pretty bad to rip off a homeless guy and take his money. How do you sleep at night knowing what you've done and continue to do to innocent people??? Pontillo, if you hadn't been charged with Stalking and Harassment
it wouldn't be a part of your criminal record. Social Security Number, Known Address, Date of Birth??? Are you claiming it as a coincidence??? Really Pontillo???
https://www.instantcheckmate. com/people/patrick-pontillo You are Patrick A Pontillo from Monaca,
Beaver and Ambridge Pennsylvania...and Surf Side Beach, South Carolina. You admit that you traveled all over the US. Now you are in Chicago or Greater Illinois. You've lived a lot of places. I wonder what you did that we don't know about yet in those other places? Will we be shocked???
if I were charged with stalking
in 2010, and how was I able to do such an act during a time when I was on disability
with severe asthmatic constraints which prevented me from driving around the place,
at will, trailing someone or hunting someone down? How could I have gone into
such a person's home, if there were a chemically laden air freshener in it? I would
have gone through severe asthmatic reactions and would have been unable to con-
tinue the hunting-down.
in 2010, and how was I able to do such an act during a time when I was on disability
with severe asthmatic constraints which prevented me from driving around the place,
at will, trailing someone or hunting someone down? How could I have gone into
such a person's home, if there were a chemically laden air freshener in it? I would
have gone through severe asthmatic reactions and would have been unable to con-
tinue the hunting-down.
You still believe you can talk your way out of the Stalking and Harassment Charges brought
against you in South Carolina. But...Facts are Facts. You tried to cover it up, but you
couldn't. That costs money...you should have asked Cipolla...the Church paid for his cover up.
Answer: No#1 Pontillo's above mentioned "FBI clearance" is merely a fingerprint test
from 2014 for the state of Pennsylvania only. The stalking and harassment he was arrested for were in the state of South Carolina.
Answer: Second, You as good as confessed when you described the persons home that you were accused of harassing being chemically laden with air fresheners. The entire excuse was
exceptionally lame and obviously a lie.
Answer: Third, how would you know if the home was laden with air fresheners unless you were in the home itself? The fragrance is NOT that hot a topic that everybody is talking about it, "just you." Most people don't fixate on Febreze and deodorizers or P&G wouldn't sell as much of it as it does. I know even nice smells can get annoying and boring...when there is too much of a good thing. But not bad enough to gag and embarrass everyone with theatrical gestures and your acclaimed opinions concerning fragrances. (Just leave the place, don't be a jerk and disrupt everybody.) "Breathe through your mouth and buy some nose plugs" people will understand you probably have severe allergies...or you forgot to take them off when you got out of the shower...or pool. Wear them around your neck, under your shirt, for emergencies...until you can escape the fumes. Remember, think through the fumes and escape.
The fragrance has been around for centuries. Deal with it like a man...man.
If YOU were not involved, how do YOU know what the place smelled like? AND Your two and a half years of talking about your asthma, in my opinion, most of your attacks are theatrical and just for "effects & sympathy." Do you think you're the only guy in cyberspace with asthma or an aversion to certain fragrances? You say people at your favorite gyms know you well because of your asthma. I'm sure you really put on a show for them. Your co-workers say you really put on a show. I guess that's safer than what the monks do when they want to get
everyone's attention. They dump gasoline on themselves and light it up. That really gets peoples attention...but you can only do it once. You do the asthma attack for immediate attention and sympathy. Look at me!!! Look who arrived!!! (Cough, cough...Pontillo's here...)
I heard you'll use it when you get into a sticky situation and need to calm things down, like the
time another employee was going to smack you with a big piece of curbing because of something you said. Fewer people will hate you if you just kept your crazy opinions to yourself.
No One likes to be lied to or about Pontillo, least of all when it comes to blaming my children for Cipolla's sexual assaults. They were little boys, they never flirted with Father Cipolla. They didn't conspire against him. They were traumatized by him!! They were ashamed and mortified. EVEN I WAS TRAUMATIZED!!! You can't live through that kind of betrayal and
not come out of it scarred for life. Pontillo, how dare you? Not only did the priest betray my
sons but our Church and some of the congregation turned against us too, for daring to accuse a Holy Father of the Church of Child Molestation.
Pontillo, when you began complaining about having to follow cars in traffic, which causes you to gag because you can smell the "air fresheners" in the other driver's cars. Are you saying you can smell these car fresheners over the gasoline emissions and carbon monoxide fumes while you're in heavy traffic with those fragrant cars? I knew you were "Special" Pontillo.
Wind your windows up and shut your air vents when you are in traffic. Problem solved!!!
Just maybe the gas fumes are getting to you and you are hallucinating about smelling other peoples car fresheners.
Carbon Monoxide Fumes can do brain damage. Hmmmm!!!???
Mr. Pontillo your invitation to Skype with my sons has been rescinded. You don't want to know the truth you'd rather defend the proven guilty child molester. Were you like Mark?
Did you bring little boys to his apartment too?? Brigitte told
me what she observed and was worried about the child Mark had just brought home to Cipolla. She said the child looked 4 or 5 yrs old. I told Brigitte "listen out for the child" or if you get a gut feeling call the police and explain that you are frightened for the child. An abundance of caution is understandable...when concern is for a child.
Mr. Pontillo, you watch too much conspiracy theory TV. You say you always believed "Fr Cipolla was guilty until you met him." When he finished with you, you too were one of his followers. That tells us something right there. It tells us that you were fooled by Cipolla too, just like we were but you were a lot more gullible.
We never had any warning about Cipolla, but you did. You knew he was charged in 1988 for the rape of 18 yr old Tim Bendig from the time he was 12 yrs old. The case was settled with the Catholic Diocese out of court in 1993. You knew the Apostolic Signatura in the Vatican upheld Cipolla's suspension from the priesthood and then he was Laicized (defrocked permanently) by the Pope Himself and banned him from ministry in 2003. You also knew Cipolla had been previously charged with the sexual molestation of a young boy in 1978 whose case just disappeared with nothing left but the newspaper articles from the Pittsburgh Press and The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. The police file for Cipolla was expunged as a courtesy to The Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese. That file was literally destroyed. Like it never even happened. That is why Cipolla never had a record. His files were expunged...for the Diocese. I suppose back then it was the practice by order of the Vatican to handle indiscretions as discretely and covertly as possible. I understand that large sums
of money changed hands.
There is a new post sent to me to share with you. I'm not the only woman Pontillo
lies to and about. He just doesn't like women unless he can use them. Look at
The Blessed Mother Mary for instance.
Do you believe the nerve of Pontillo? He demands to see and read my deposition from 1993. Just who does he imagine he is this week? a judge??
I'd show it to anyone before I'd let Pontillo read it and twist it around, so you can't recognize it. The Diocese has the videotape Pontillo, why don't you ask them?
I didn't request the videotape, just the typed deposition of 222 pages. Here are
a few more pages for the readers to see that I'm not like Patrick A Pontillo.
I don't tell lies or exaggerate, that's Pontillo's forte.
To post in reply to Patsy
| x |

The Trusted Brain |
1:00 PM (31 minutes ago)
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Patsy, on your fast and furious Oct 31,2017 post on your slog, you state,
"I was Never charged for stalking, especially during the height of my respiratory disease when I couldn't drive at will, trailing anyone."
But-but-but, you go on to admit to 7 violations in SC for not wearing a seat belt !!!!
You must have been driving around quite a bit as you continue to contradict your own statements.After all, stalking if the act to hunt someone down with the purpose of harming that person, and Thompson has repeatedly been trying to have me destroyed."
Patsy, you state,"IF there really does exist the pages
(122 of them) of a February 1993 deposition of Diane Thompson in the Timothy Bendig lawsuit against Anthony Cipolla, et. al., then I demand to read a copy of the 122 pages of testimony spoken by Diane Thompson "
Who are you other than a man with a criminal record in another state for doing exactly what you have been doing most your life by your own admission...Stalking and harassing other people for your own sense of obtuse self-importance. You're a pathetic nothing who simply knows how to operate a backhoe and attack innocent people on your stupid slog blog.
Click here to Reply or Forward
For someone with no arrest record...what do you call this?
A coincidence??? Same address as your father's trailer,
your DOB is spot on...which I gleaned from the paperwork you Pontillo posted...re gun license, and outdated security papers, which may or may not be legitimate. Many pieces with your DOB.
Criminal and Traffic Records associated with the name Patrick Pontillo.
Sc Horry County Arrest | |||||||||||||
Charges/Offense: |
slide to the right to see the information........⇰
So much for never being arrested.
09-16-2017 Readers: pages 1&2 of my 1993
Deposition for Tim Bendig and
against Fr Anthony J Cipolla.
Pontillo has assured you that this does not exist, but here it is...
He also belittled Randy Engel because she mentioned my
deposition in her Cipolla Article. Pontillo called us both liars
and said there never was a deposition. Read pages 1&2 of a 222-page deposition of myself in 1993.
The above is page one and two of my 222 page Deposition given on February 12th, 1993 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania that took 4 hours.
This is something Pontillo claims..."doesn't exist and never happened". (What do you call this Pontillo???)
If you continue to listen to Pontillo, you will find yourself confused and betrayed by the lies he spreads.
Pontillo gets some of the blame but his Muse Anthony J Cipolla "The Father Of Lies" programmed him to believe the stories and excuses Cipolla assembled to cover up his sexual assaults on children. Cipolla gets most of the blame for inciting Pontillo into spreading his unholy words.
With the aid of the Diocese Attorney's, Cipolla was able to walk free among innocent children and unaware parents for an additional 38 years
Good Luck Reader!
Hurricane Irma is here and getting feisty. Lights flicker and
wind is howling. God Bless Us All.
Pontillo, if you'd care to meet my sons email me and let us know where. Since you want to cross-examine them so badly and so you will give up your futile attempts to convince anyone who
will listen that Cipolla was wrongfully accused. You will have this one opportunity to see the proof and discuss the facts. Afterward...if you can't decide, then we will have to conclude that you are dumber than a bag of hammers...and file suit against you for defamation...and for publishing malicious gossip.
We can prove that we told the absolute truth and no matter how you misrepresent what we have "actually said"...what we "actually said" was and is FACT. You Pontillo are a twister of words and facts.
When it all comes out again, you will be the fool. You'll be the liar that you accuse us of being.
We will have a laugh at your expense...it's only fitting.
Mr. Pontillo, you know you are lying. Cipolla was
guilty of pedophilia with at least 3 known male children.
Cipolla caused a lot of harm and embarrassment for many years. There are victims suffering to this day who believed
and trusted him before Cipolla betrayed their trust and crushed their friendship by bringing sex into the equation. How dare he molest my sons. How dare you defend Cipolla and crucify us publicly online.
I will defend my family until I draw my last breath, or until you draw yours.
By the way, why is it that most people hate you once they get to know you? or try to murder you as you posted on your blog?
I'm glad we live 1000 miles away from you. Even being this close is nauseating.
Also, Pontillo, no one wants anyone to harm you or touch you. We don't react like that. We're praying for St Michael to deal with you.
We ask that you stop guessing and cease with the lies about us.
You have called me a slut...
noun slut plural noun sluts
- a woman who has many casual sexual partners.promiscuous woman prostitute whore floozytramp hooker hustler tart scarlet woman loose womanhussy trollop harlot strumpet wanton
- a woman with low standards of cleanliness.
Powered by Google Dictionary
and worse and posted it online before I ever even heard of you. I had no earthly idea who you are
and I still don't... You have made it very clear, you are one of Cipolla's most verbose and pretentious followers. Do you handle the cash donations too?
I've been defending myself against your lies and accusations for 2 full years. You are purposely downgrading us, to garner the Tony Cipolla Followers sympathy...and their donations. Cipolla taught you well.
What is that you and Tony called them? You called them cowards and said they were worthless etc... I printed it directly from your website...in case you delete it and say you never published it. Just like some of the other swill you've made public then quickly deleted.
Pontillo...why do you waste so much time on a project that is doomed to failure? You will never prove Cipolla is or was innocent of sex charges. Stop trying to convince everyone that Cipolla was innocent, Period.
You insinuate that the charges against Cipolla were lies
You tell your readers that it was all a part of a big exaggerated scheme, orchestrated by Cardinal Wuerl and the Pope to destroy Father Anthony Cipolla, an innocent man because he knew too much. Those are "Cipolla's" words...the
ones he used to convince you. Just because you were gullible
enough to believe it, doesn't make his words any truer, they were just lies that, Cipolla decided to tell. Some of many he can lay claim to. You have got to be working a money angle, Pontillo.
Remember what happened the last time you played lawyer? "The Torquato Retaliations"???
I wish I had met you before you went off your rocker Pontillo.
It sounds like you had an interesting life until it all imploded on
What makes you believe that lying and ridiculing my family could help you restore Cipolla's reputation? A gifted Pope who was canonized in 2014 is the man who "personally" Laicized Cipolla.
Popes don't normally do that, but in Cipolla's case, The Future Saint, Pope John Paul II deemed it necessary.
To my readers,
I am refraining from posting anything at present on advice of Legal Counsel pending litigation. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Engel and the lawyers who vetted her series and evidence on the defrocked deceased pederast Anthony Cipolla and his crimes. 03-23-17
Sorry for my absence...Cipolla has died but his ghostwriter continues to publish lies about my family concerning Anthony
Cipolla...and other ridiculous claims. In May it will be
2 solid years that he's publicly slandered our reputations and ridiculed my sons and me. It began shortly after Pope John Paul II revoked Fr Anthony Cipolla's privileges and canceled his authorization to dress or wear the collar of a Roman Catholic Priest or even identify himself as a priest. Laicised, in "Popespeak." He made Cipolla a layman again, and Cipolla didn't like it. He tried to get even and fight back but very few believed his story anymore, the one about the Bishop and The Hierarchy were after him because he knew too many secrets about them. ???????? Yes, that one!!
Well, he fooled some poor and rich folks out of money intended for a good cause but the money was invested in coins and precious metals and ventures like collecting money for various charities that he fronted, owned and operated. He got innocent people involved. He was a manipulator. Cipolla never cared who he used, and he loved to prey on the sick the elderly, children and the grieving, because they are at their weakest. He also took advantage of people who were quite old and no longer responsible enough to make important decisions...and were easily led but blindly faithful to the Church and reverence for the Clergy. His chosen M.O.
Cipolla chose his own path and followed no other. He was an angry opinionated egocentric with a God Complex. He wanted
the respect, admiration, and trust, Catholic's instinctively gave
their Clergy...back then. But...he wasn't willing to walk the walk even though he would talk the talk, (tongue in cheek). With his death in August of 2016, the assault on us should have ceased...but his ghostwriter just keeps publishing lie after lie.
They fooled many people and used them in their life.
Cipolla dwelt in his own dreamt up dream world, where "he" was in charge and lived out the life he hand wrought until he was 74. Not bad for an ex priest who cost the Catholic Church millions plus the untold embarrassment...like when Tim Bendig won the case against Cipolla and the Diocese of Pittsburgh and settled out of court. "Cipolla... the wound that won't heal."
Sexual Abuse in the Church, a Case History
Dec 2016
≈ Comments Offon Sexual Abuse in the Church, a Case History
This report by Randy Engel, one of the founding warriors in the Catholic cleric sexual abuse war, is instructive, and horrifying.
An excerpt.
Father Anthony Joseph Cipolla was born on August 29, 1943 in Rochester, PA, a borough of Beaver County. He was the youngest of five children – Ann, Vincent, Genevra, Anita, his twin sister, and Anthony – born to Ambrose and Albina (Natale) Cipolla. His first parish, where he received his First Holy Communion on June 17, 1954, was St. Titus Church in Aliquippa. It was a heavily mixed ethnic church with German-born, Italian- speaking Father Edward Zauner serving as its long-time pastor. Fr. Cipolla, a country boy, gave credit for his vocation to Fr. Zauner and to his mother, who by every account was a devout Catholic and a kind, generous soul.
That same year, 1954, due to the expanding population in the area, Pittsburgh Bishop John Dearden established a new parish, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, in nearby Aliquippa under Father Cornelius J. Finneran. A small chapel was built on the site in September 1954, but the church was not completed until 1987. It was here that the young Anthony Cipolla learned his catechism, went to confession and attended Mass. And it was here that the Mass of Christian Burial was said for the 73-year-old priest following a fatal auto accident on August 30, 2016.
A Missionary Priest and Boys, Boys, Boys
According to autobiographical data provided by Fr. Cipolla, he wanted to be a missionary priest, not a diocesan priest. At the start of 10th grade in high school, he entered St. Anthony’s minor seminary in San Antonio, TX, operated by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (O.M.I.). However, the distance was too great, plane rides home too expensive and tuition too high. He returned home.
Later, he applied to the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (P.I.M.E.) and was accepted at Maryglade College Seminary, in Memphis, MI. He graduated in 1966 and was sent by the missionary order to the Pontifical College Josephinum near Worthington, OH, for his theology training. He remained at the Josephinum for only one the year. Then he left for reasons unexplained.
The next religious order he decided to try out was the Missionaries of the Holy Family (M.S.F), whose special charism is fostering family life. The American Province for the Italian-based congregation sent Cipolla to St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Farmington, MO. When his novitiate year was over, he took his simple vows. The order then sent Cipolla to St. Leonard’s Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, operated by the Franciscan Friars Minor of St. John, for his second year of theological studies. Again he left the seminary for reasons unexplained.
Fr. Cipolla now took a year off and accepted a teaching position at St. Anselm’s parochial K-8 grade school in Dearborn Heights, MI. In addition to teaching religion, geography, English and history he also taught a boys’ physical education class. Cipolla resided in Dearborn, where readers of Part I of this series will remember he took Frank Labiaux and other boys in the summer of 1977 to an auto museum and ended up assaulting the 12-year-old Frank in his motel room.
Fr. Cipolla then returned to the P.I.M.E. Fathers who accepted him back for his final two years of theological studies. He took up residence at the P.I.M.E.’s Queen of the Missions Seminary in Oakland, N.J. and commuted about 20 minutes away to Immaculate Conception Seminary in Darlington, N.J. for his theology classes.
According to Cipolla, the P.I.M.E.’s rector, Father John Barocco asked him to teach religion at the nearby Our Lady of Perpetual Help School and instruct gym classes for 7th grade boys. The money he earned was put towards Cipolla’s tuition.
The young Cipolla also became involved with the Oakland Boys’ Club which had 225 high school and grade school members. He oversaw the club’s sports program and gave an annual retreat for boys at the P.I.M.E.’s seminary. There was also Camp Tamarac where Cipolla took boys on campouts.
Cipolla Ordained as a Diocesan Priest
At the close of his last year with the P.I.M.E. Fathers, Cipolla was contacted by Fr. Finneran, the pastor of Our Lady of Fatima, now his home parish, telling the young man that his father was dying and his mother was struggling to keep the family restaurant and bar open. He was needed at home immediately. Fr. Finneran also told Cipolla that he had already talked with Bishop Leonard of the Pittsburgh Diocese and that Leonard was willing to ordain him as a diocesan priest if and when Cipolla returned home.
In early summer of 1972, Cipolla left the P.I.M.E. Fathers and his dream of being a missionary behind. Before he left, the Oakland Boys’ Club held an award dinner in the priest’s honor. Anthony Cipolla was named “Man of the Year,” and the Oakland Chief of Police gave him an engraved plaque in appreciation for his service to the Oakland Boys Club. Cipolla returned home and Bishop Leonard sent him to St. Bernard Parish in Mt. Lebanon to get a taste of what it was like to be a diocesan priest. “I was starting to like the idea although I never forgot my desire to be a missionary,” Cipolla said. On Saturday, October 28, 1972, at age 29, Anthony J. Cipolla was ordained by Bishop Leonard for the Pittsburgh Diocese at Our Lady of Fatima Church. On Sunday, October 29th he said his first Mass. During a visit to see his father in a nursing home, Fr. Cipolla blessed him with a relic of hair from Padre Pio’s beard and his father lived another six years. According to Fr. Cipolla, Ambrose Cipolla, who had opposed his son entering the priesthood was now filled with gratitude to both Padre Pio and his son – the priest.
More Red Flags – Fr. Cipolla’s Parish Merry-go-round
During the approximately 16-years that Fr. Cipolla served under three bishops, Bishop Vincent Leonard, Bishop Anthony Bevilacqua, and Bishop Donald Wuerl, in the Pittsburgh Diocese, he was moved from parish to parish – five parishes before he assaulted Frank Labiaux and his stepbrother Tucker Thompson, and two parishes and a home for exceptional children after the diocese learned of the abuse. The priest was never assigned to be pastor of any parish.
The priest remained at his first parish, St. Bernard Church in Mt. Lebanon from 1972 -1974; at Immaculate Conception in Washington PA from 1974–1975, that is, less than a year; at St. Philomena in Beaver Falls in 1975 for just a matter of months; at St. Agatha in Bridgeville from 1975-1976, for less than a year; at St. Francis Xavier on the Northside from 1976–1978, where he sexually abused Frank and Tucker; at St. Canice in Knoxville from 1978-1983 where he was accused of molesting a 12-year-old boy for more than four years, 1982-1986; at St. Philip in Crafton in 1983 for a few months; and finally the McGuire Memorial Home for Exceptional Children from 1983-1988.
According to Rev Ronald Lengwin, the spokesman for the Pittsburgh Diocese, young priests “typically spent five years at each church, but if they were unhappy in their post, it was not unusual to be transferred much sooner.” Clearly, Fr. Cipolla was “unhappy” with most of his assignments and the pastors were “unhappy” with him.
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